Greener Adventures
My name is Dave Greene. I founded Night of Adventure in 2013 as a platform for people to be able to share their stories of grand adventure. It has grown over the years but has remained true to its roots. Night of Adventure is about sharing stories and building community.
Greener Adventures
I have spent the last decade travelling across various routes across Canada, travelling by bicycling, snowshoe, ski, but mainly canoe. I have been honoured to carry a flag for the Royal Canadian Geographic Society (Canadian Geographic) on expedition twice. Below are a collection of my expeditions, 30 days or longer.

Sa Tu: Canoe Expedition
1360km circle with Frank Wolf

Boreal to Barrenlands: Crossing Labrador 2019
35 Days, 667km, up 5 rivers, down 6 rivers, Menehik Landing - Nain, across Labrador
Yukon 2 Yellowknife: 2018
1200km, 50 days
Route Blanche: 2016
330km, 29 days by snowshoes, the old fasion way
S4: From Sea to Summit to SUmmit to Sea, 2014
1045km, 30 Days via Bicycle, foot and Canoe

Missionaibi Lake Superior - Moose Factory: 2013
31 days, 800+km, 4 friends, 1 dog.
Labrador or Bust: 2011
87 days, 3000km by Rowboat, Bicycle and Canoe
David Thompson Brigade: 2008
66 days, 3300km
Rocky Mountain House, AB - Thunderbay, On. Navigating waters which define Canada. Of those 3600km only 60km are necessary to portage, with our major river running west - east, it is no coincidence the canoe is bonded to Canadian dentity.
This was my first major expedition and the one that changed everything for me. Opening my eyes to what was truely possible. I was taken under the wing of a great group of people with which I made a lifetime of memories, The Fort Saskatchewan Traders.
Along with 18 other teams we paddled, Portage and celebrated the life and trials of the fur trade and celebrated explorer David Thompson. I met some of Canada great paddlers including Kirk Wipper, Mark Lund, Eric Williams as well as paddled with Norm Crerar and Gib McEachern from the winning 1967 centennial canoe race, Manitoba team. But most memorable was the Cree Nation team from Cumberland House, Saskatchewan. Those guys were true heroes.
Paddling through landmarks such as Edmonton, Winnipeg, Lake of the Woods and Quetico our trip culminated in the Great Hall at Fort William on the shores of Lake Superior. *
Certainly one day this trip will be recreated and I will be a part of it, sharing with younger generations the flame which has grown within me.